Monday, April 11, 2011

March 28- April 1

WELCOME Rose and Bobby to our class!
Can you guess what letter we are working on?!
Letter: Tt
Color: Green 
Sight Word: the 
Whole Group:

Morning Meeting
We made Oobleck from the Dr. Seuss book Barthlemeow and the Oobleck this week. The kids were a little unsure about this one. It's a combination of starch and water that is a "solid" when you touch the surface, yet a "liquid" when you pick it up. This led into a great science discussion about solids, liquids and gases.

 Writing the letter Tt. 

Letter Tt dot to dot: most of the kids have mastered using the paint dot! This easier for some of them to for identifying letters and numbers in a group. It's also one of their ways to paint:  )

 Beginning sounds practice. We went through the letters we have introduced this year: M, S, V, R and now T. There were pictures for each letter and each student had one letter in front of them. When I held up the picture they would have to tell me which letter bowl it went into.  Later in the week this also became a self work center.

Feel the letter: sensory work with the letter Tt

Green Eggs and Ham short clip
Our Green Eggs and Ham (bacon) lunch

Reading Groups:

The big kids worked on their Tt book.

The younger group worked on finding the letter Tt in their Turtle story.

Working on

More Tt work
Color Match

Size Sort

One to one number match: counting turtles and finding the matching number.

Beginner books
Finding the sight word: the.
Number Pegs. With this counting center the students can use the manipulatives and place them in the correct number pad.

ABC match. There are lower and uppercase letters the kids work with for each of the ABC mats.

Kumon mazes. I recently purchased a Kumon book of mazes for little ones. We took each page and laminated it. They have a lot of fun trying to get from the start arrow to the end star!
Last week with our March sensory bin- every time they use it they find a new way to sort!

Elizabeth working at beginning sounds
Count and sort Teddy Bears

Passing out juice cups.

And napkins!
Meet our newest class pet; Romeo the dwarf frog!

Ms. Jaymee's picture of the week:

Gabe in deep conversation with Joey!

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture of the week...thanks for sharing Jaymee! - Tammy



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