Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Desert Museum Field Trip

We had a lot of fun at the Desert Museum last week! The kids did an amazing job of keeping up, staying with their partner and listening. It was PERFECT weather for our trip!

Our Class (minus 1 Israel), Ms. Jaymee and Junior Chaperones Baylee and Devynn

We started off going through the Desert Grasslands and continued our way through the Mountain Woodland. 

Prairie Dog Watching

The View!

Gabe- Looking at the Black Bear... and sun in his poor eyes

Billy and Prestton

Our friend Jace (age1)  also joined us on our trip.

Feeling what a bear's coat is like.

Walking, walking and more walking

A much needed snack break!
THANK YOU to these girls for helping keep the little one's safe and having fun with us. 

Prestton loving his snack

A number one favorite during our visit: the fossil dig!

Chris with his safety goggles

Elizabeth WAITED for these pink ones

Excited to be getting dirty

Working hard to get out his fossil

"Finding" larger bones

"Look Elizabeth! It's a dinosaur, let's get him!"

Mineral exploration

Trynnity finding her treasure

In the "mine"

Junior Chaperone Rylee modeling the bat ears in the cave.

Junior Chaperone Devynn had to try too!

Listening and learning about meteorites

We took LOTS


of THIS pose to try and get EVERYONE to look at the camera!

Hmmmmmm.... well we tried!

Jace in the Hummingbird exhibit

A momma hummingbird on her eggs!!!!!!

 And finally our picnic lunch!

 ALL of the little ones fell asleep in the car on the way back to DBP. We really enjoyed our day and are looking forward to our next outing!

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