Monday, May 9, 2011

More About Cc

Letter: Cc
Theme: Spring
Review: sight words, colors and shapes

Whole Group Lessons:

 Spring sight word practice with I and a. We tracked from left to right using our pointer fingers and read each of the sentences. Then I had each student read to me. They did a wonderful job pointing to each word as they read and many were able to recognize our sight words!
 Cc is for caterpillar. We also watched a video on how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly.
 Handwriting practice.
 Fine motor skill practice with geo boards and rubber bands. Chris is making shapes on his board and counting how many rectangles he made. We did this in whole group and in centers.
 Inspired by Eric Carle's Hungry Caterpillar book, we made thumb print caterpillars and then finger painted the fruit that they would eat.

Israel's caterpillar

C is for cookie- classic Sesame Street! 

 Math practice was counting with Cars. Each student had to count the number of Cars and match with the correct number.


 One of the read alouds this week was:
It went along great with Cc letter of the week. We also made our own cookies to go along with the story!

Tracing lines (WAY TO GO BOBBY! Holding his pencil CORRECTLY! I think this will also make the picture of the week:  )  



Devynn was home early in the afternoon's this week and helped with our afternoon exploration centers. Rose is identifying letters and using floam to make their shapes.

 Coloring Cars with Crayons:  )

 Playing Cars:
 Little People:
 Breakfast on the Patio:

Gabe LOVES his snack time!

A day at the Park:

 Shape sighting!
"Look ms. Jaymee, there's rectangles!" Chris.
And color sightings:
"I see pupa!" Elizabeth

I hope everyone had a WONDERFUL Mother's Day! The kids had a lot of fun preparing their special flowers for you all.

Ms. Jaymee's picture of the week:

We practice, practice, practice holding pencils, scissors, sitting at carpet time, story time, following directions, crossing the road, taking turns, it goes on. so when I catch a glimpse of a little one "getting it" it melts my heart. They all do their very best each and everyday. I love to see the grow and "BLOOM" !

Monday, May 2, 2011

Cc is for Caterpillar, cake, Cinderella, Chris

Letter of the Week: Cc
Math Objectives: Shape review
Theme: Spring
Review: sight words and letters (s, m, r , v, t, e) 

End of the year assessments are being conducted over the next couple of weeks. Therefore reading groups are postponed until each child has been tested.

Identify the lower case letter using mini clip. The clothes pins used help develop fine motor skills!

Shape books used in this week's lessons.

Welcome Spring Unit!
Whole Group Lessons:

Letter review- beginning sounds practice.

Elizabeth and Prestton working together to identify the sounds.

Completed by 2 YEAR OLDS!
Cutting Practice:

Water colors: 
(THANK YOU Ami B. for having this wonderful easel at your house! The preschoolers here LOVE it!)


Taking turns
Spring Time Poem fill in the blank- this was a bit challenging for most of the kids, but they still did a great job. They were able to show me what words were missing from their poem by pointing to the words on the classroom poem. Although they may not have been able to read all the words, they were able to count each word and identify what needed to come next. Many of them struggled with the formation of the letters, but again each one put forth amazing effort!

Adding Spring time stamp art to their papers. 
Various flowers, ladybugs, butterflies etc were used to enhance their poems. 
And, of course, scented stamp pads!
Sight word practice:
Color by number with the sight word like.

Elizabeth age 2
Letter Cc sensory introduction:
Playdough letter formations.
Trynnity age 4


Not sure about this!

Elizabeth's C

Prestton's C (age 2)

Early tot Practice with the letter Cc.  As you may notice with such age ranges and abilities, lessons are tailored to meet the needs of each child. Exposure to the letter of the week comes in MANY forms.

Tiny tot Cc

Big kid Tot letter Cc identification
Making our caterpillar out of the paper mache we did last week! We were inspired by the colors used in the story of the Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.

Number Writing practice:

For this lesson we listened to a Dr. Jean song about how to write the numbers 1-10.  The students used expo markers to practice their tracing formations.

Chris age 3
Finger painting fruit for our caterpillars!

Royal Wedding day celebration: 
I do not have a good quality camera, but even with how blurry a few of these are you can see how sweet the kids look dancing! Here they are mimicking the waltz from the scene in Cinderella where she dances with the prince at the ball.

DBP Royal subjects

Tea time:
Raspberry lemonade served in English Bone china and slices of fresh lemon cake.


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